For quite some time now, our flours have been on the list of foods that meet CZECH GUILD STANDARDS. Recently, another valuable quality mark was added, namely KLASA. We are rightly proud of these awards and are pleased to be able to offer you these …
We strive to bake bread for you directly FROM THE HEART. The proof is our NEW bread, which besides wheat and rye also contains spelt and GRAPE SEEDS. So get to know the HEART ONE – a bread worth trying. It contains fibre and at …
In our bakery, most of the products are created by golden bakers’ hands and in our shops we wanted to have products that you won’t find anywhere else. The first result of the efforts of our master bakers is an honest wheat rye bread baked …
We have opened a new shop in the centre of České Budějovice full of quality craftsmanship from our South Bohemian bakery. The shop is called PECiVÁL, it is located at Na Sadech 2036/18, right at the Poliklinika Sever public transport stop and is part …
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